This is Elsa Omollo. I met her in June 2019 at a medical outreach in the hillside of Migori, Kenya. She’s 70 years old (she’s actually probably older but people in rural Kenya don’t know their birthdays so they guess their age). She is a widow of 18 years and farms corn and Kenyan kale to make a small living. After getting married at a young age and never attending school, Elsa’s husband took a second wife when she was unable to have kids. The second wife lives next door to Elsa in a large and well kept house.


Elsa’s home had an old thatched roof that was falling down. The back wall had deteriorated and a large portion was missing. When I met Elsa, it was the rainy season in Kenya. Because of the rain, her house would flood almost everyday, leaving her with nowhere to sleep. Even though the second wife has the means, she is mean to Elsa and wouldn’t help or give her a place to sleep.


I told some friends Elsa’s story, and they were as touched and heartbroken as I was. Thanks to their generosity, we were able to buy iron sheets to get Elsa a new roof! The local contractor we hired was so moved by our generosity, he donated lumber and labor to build Elsa a brand new house!


I reached out to more friends back home and they all chipped in to finish the project. Thats to them, we were able to build the walls and a door for the new home! Now Elsa’s home is complete and she has a dry and safe place to sleep!
